Max Ehrlich
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Educational/Cultural Projects


In memory of
the Theater Group
concentration camp 1943-1944

The Max Ehrlich Association, by definition, constitutes a network of academicians, authors, interested laymen and members of the theater world. It therefore also represents a priviledged frame-work to promote educational and cultural projects, including research, information exchange and debate between these partners as well as for the public at large.

To further stimulate such pro-ductive interaction, conferences and work groups are organized and teaching materials produced.

Additionally -- and in particular to create a wider platform and communicate to an extended public -- theater and film productions will be produced.

An initial project in this area will come to fruition in the course of 2002 to accompany the Association's publication of Max Ehrlich's biography, a new book by Brigitte Sion.

For further information, including sponsoring opportunities in this area, please contact the Max Ehrlich Association by clicking HERE!





                                 Send mail to with questions or comments about the Max Ehrlich Association or this web site.            
                                 Copyright © 2000, 2008 Max Ehrlich Association
                                 Last modified: January 5th 2012